Events for 2 side-by-side websites
I have two websites that live next to each other in Sitefinity (5 on Azure)
-Event Details
-Event Details
I am categorizing my events based on Site Title so when I am on Site A, I only get Site A's events...same if on Site B. It only displays site B's events.
When Viewing the events on Site A, the url (Azure) it's taking me to is:
But when I am on SiteB and go to the events, the URL is listed as this:
The problem is, this page doesn't exist on /SiteB/ The event will load if I replace it with /SiteA/ but it's using Site A's template. How do I manage events with one Event module in Sitefinity that displays events on two separate websites?
Thank you for using our services.
There are several approaches to this scenario, as Sitefinity offers you a lot of flexibility when it comes to sharing content between your sites.
The easiest solution would be to try using a URL rewriter, for example this one, that would replace the URL when it meets this particular pattern and substitute the desired part of the URL.
If you're having a problem with the above solution you can setup an outgoing RSS feed from your SiteA and an incoming Feed that would publish as Sitefinity content -> Events in SiteB. This way your events will be present in both databases and keeping the feed running will guarantee you that the content is in sync. For a more detailed explanation of configuring RSS FEeds in Sitefintiy, please check this article from our online documentation.
Another option is to dynamically retrieve the events, since Sitefinity is built on the provider model, so you cans setup a provider to pull your content from the Site A data repository. For more information you can check this blog post.
I hope you find the above information useful. Please do not hesitate to get back to me if you need any further information or have some other questions. I'll be glad to assist you further.
Kind regards,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team
I don't think the URL rewrite thing will work since my sites live on Azure. I don't want to have to reinstall and configure the URL rewrite any time I spin up or spin back Azure boxes.
OK, I think I'm getting closer. I think the problem is that when I specify to go to the Events Detail page I have set up on /SiteB/, it doesn't work. But if I select to auto-create the details page, then /SiteB/events/2012/04/26/event3 works!