How to turn off "Enable social sharing" checkbox i

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 22:30

How to turn off "Enable social sharing" checkbox in content editor

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Posted by Community Admin on 07-May-2012 00:00

We intend to use an external service for social sharing links. How do I turn off the "Enable social sharing" check box that appears in the content entry editor below the WYSIWYG?

Posted by Community Admin on 08-May-2012 00:00

Nancy, there isn't a native, built in way to do this, and I will log this as a feature request and thank you for your feedback.

However, there is a workaround that will allow you to accomplish this using the Viewmap, which lets you globally override templates for sitefinity controls.

For more information on what the viewmap is, take a look at this blog post: Customizing Sitefinity Controls with the ViewMap

Basically you need to do the following:

1. Extract the widget templates from the Sitefinity SDK and locate the ContentBlockDesigner.ascx file (it's in the folder \SDK\Content\Resources\WidgetTemplates\Backend\GenericContent)
2. Copy this file to your website, such as into a folder named Templates.
3. Create a new entry in the viewmap with HostType: Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.GenericContent.Web.UI.ContentBlockDesigner and Path: ~/Templates/ContentBlockDesigner.ascs (or whatever path is to your tempate copy)
4. Modify your copy of the template to hide this section.
5. Restart your website

I don't recommend you delete the section because it may be necessary for the element to be present on the page. Instead, wrap the section in a Placeholder and set the visibility to false so that it doesn't load on the frontend.

<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" Visible="false">
<sf:choicefield id="socialOption" runat="server" displaymode="Write" renderchoicesas="SingleCheckBox"
    CssClass="sfInlineBlock sfCheckBox">
        <sf:ChoiceItem Text="<%$ Resources:Labels, EnableSocial %>" />
<div class="sfDetailsPopupWrp sfInlineBlock">
    <a id="countersDetailsLink" href="javascript:void(0);" class="sfMoreDetails">
        <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="Literal1" Text="<%$Resources:Labels, Details %>" /></a>
    <div class="sfDisplayNone sfDetailsPopup" id="countersDetails">
        <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="Literal2" Text="<%$Resources:Labels, EnableSocialToolTip%>" />

Keep in mind this is a global mapping so all instances of the content block will be affected.

I hope this is helpful!

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