Converting Sitefinity 5 VB Project

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 22:08

Converting Sitefinity 5 VB Project

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Posted by Community Admin on 08-May-2012 00:00

Hi There,

I searched a thread and followed instructions on the link below: 

However, it keep showing the message below when I build the project.
------ Build started: Project: SitefinityWebAppVB, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
  No way to resolve conflict between "System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" and "System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e". Choosing "System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" arbitrarily.
  SitefinityWebAppVB -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\Sitefinity 5.0\Projects\CSIntranet5VB\bin\SitefinityWebAppVB.dll
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

Also, I cannot use 'Edit in Visual Studio' menu in Project Manager. It says the file does not exist.

Is there any way to convert it perfectly???
Thanks for help.

Posted by Community Admin on 10-May-2012 00:00

I just noticed that confliction was caused by 'System.Windows.dll' (.NET ver
Everything works fine if I remove the dll file from bin folder.
Could anybody explain why VB project conflict with this dll file??


Posted by Community Admin on 30-Oct-2012 00:00

Thanks for posting this. I ran into this in Sitefinity 5.2 after following the same instructions. It seems that System.Windows.dll included with Sitefinity includes a reference to System.Runtime.Serialization version I guess some other dll we're referencing contains a (reference to a) newer version, and that's causing the conflict. I first just removed the reference to System.Windows.dll in Visual Studio, but that did not make a difference. Then I removed the file like you suggested and the warning went away. I'm not sure if this can cause problems later. It would be great if Telerik can explain/confirm.

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Dec-2012 00:00

This issue has been resolved after I added System.Runtime.Serialization.
After I update Sitefinity to 5.2.3800.0, I included from project bin folder and added System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (C:\Program Files(x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\) and everything goes fine.

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