Submit contact form info to an custom email address
Hi All,
I am using sitefinity5.1.Am just added a sitefinity form control for my contact us page.But
now my question is how do i configure the contact us form for submiting it to an email
address.If any one know the solution please help me..
This is a HUGELY voted on feature request, but atm hasn't been implemented outside of an external control :/ One of the most basic features to not be implemented. SF right now actually lacks a notification system across the board. You're not going to be emailed much of anything, from content comments, to form submissions; I believe this is being worked on though.
You can get the workaround project here.
...and here's the PITS item to vote on (second most requested feature)
Dear Steve
I am also still missing this feature a whole lot. And external controls simply are an extra source of problems when updating.
So Telerik please give us this in the next major release. I know you are working hard on splitting SF up and making backend faster, but this is a very very very common request.
Ticketing software is software used to track down the progress of trouble tickets inside the company from the time it is filed up until it is finally troubleshoot by the help desk team. Support tickets can be submitted either by company employees who are experiencing functional difficulties or customers who are having a hard time using the products they have bought from you.
What are the features of support ticket software?
1. For these types of problems, a support ticket software can generate a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page so customers can solve their problem without having to call.
2. Every website and IT staff has a limited capacity to handle the responses of visitors or trouble tickets. While up to a certain limit, you can send emails to ticket, as the number continues to increase, there may be too many to handle.
3. An support ticket software tracks down the IT staff in your company to answer the customer's queries and guide them through the entire process. The working of this software is pretty simple.
4. Using a support ticket software can also help the trouble tickets be troubleshoot easily. This software can help the help desk team determine which problem needs immediate consideration and those that are uncomplicated.
Just as an update to the OP, the 5.1 release adds in a little notification for the form responses. In 5.1, one can subscribe to a form and get notifications when a form response is submitted. To subscribe to a form, you just need to navigate to the forms section in the admin and using the actions menu, select "Subscribe". Each person who wants to get the notifications will need an account and will need to subscribe to a form.