Sitefinity 5 Shared Hosting

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 12:27

Sitefinity 5 Shared Hosting

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 20-Jun-2012 00:00

Hey All

I was hoping you could recommend a hosting company my client could use for a standard Sitefinity 5.0 site.  The site was originally deployed to shared hosting but it is incredibly slow so we are seeking to move it to a fast, reliable and hassle free host :)

Thanks in advance


Posted by Community Admin on 21-Jun-2012 00:00

I hope someone else can answer your question based on their experience with a hosting company(s), however, here's a list of Sitefinity hosting providers 

Posted by Community Admin on 22-Jun-2012 00:00

Due to the requirement of 500 MB RAM I started using my own VPS at
In July 5.1 should be released which is supposed to use less resources. Other then this the question always comes up if there are other ways to speed up your site.
Slow in backend, slow on first use.
Warm the site up, optimize the site (css, images, hostrequests) use a fast browser like chrome to aministrate site and so on. Just switching from IE 8 to latest Chrome is a huge difference.
So the bottom line is that there are many things that can influence the speed of the site. RAM and processer is often just one of them.


Posted by Community Admin on 22-Jun-2012 00:00

@Markus: strange, I know everyone always praises Google Chrome for it's speed, but I'm always having big problems with especially Sitefinity backend on Chrome. Probably because I'm using Chrome on OSX. I still prefer Firefox in this...

Posted by Community Admin on 22-Jun-2012 00:00

I did compare Chrome to IE 8. IE 9 is already much faster then IE 8. My point was simply that there are a lot of factors that can speed up a sight or make it feel more responsive. I have seen sites that are pulling 20 images at 300kb for a silde show where 70kb would have been more then enough quality wise.
Looking forward to 5.1 which hopefully will change that a lot to what I read.


Posted by Community Admin on 22-Jun-2012 00:00

Yes, I know. Always trying to YSlow things :)
For me Chrome sometimes seems to freeze when you do an AJAX request, resulting in a non-responsive system. Very strange, but indeed Chrome is much better then anyting < IE9.

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Jun-2012 00:00

For me, Chrome (and Safari) work ok on my public UI (although, like all browsers they have the odd bug that needs a work-around/hack to make reliable) but on the backend, they cause me no end of problems - particularly with widget designers - constantly doing weird stuff and locking up.

I have settled on Firefox as my testing and back-end browser, because I can rely on it to work, but it's certainly not as fast as Chrome.

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