Navigation Menu is not displaying in 5.2.
I am trying to add the Navigation Menu in Template & in Edit & Preview mode it's displayed correctly. But it's not displayed when I assess the website in Normal user (Anonymous) mode.
I checked the HTML generated of both modes, & found that the HTML for Menu control is not rendered in normal mode. I also set the View permissions for everyone for everything.
Actually, I found-out that When I use existing Template (created using Master page, & it's splitted in parts i.e., few .aspx files using inglude tag on Master page) & put the Navigation Wigdet on page the Menu dosen't get displayed. But When I add new Template to page & put Navigation widget on page it displayes correctly.
Hello Amit,
I was not able to reproduce this on the latest version. Can you tell me which one are you using? Additionally can you check the included .aspx pages for any <form> tags which might cause problems?
Following Code is in the Master Page:
> </
Well the problem was, I had my MAster page spited in few .aspx pages (i.e., for Header I had seperate .aspx & for Footer I had seperate .aspx), when I merged the Code in single Master page without using the <!--#include file="inc/inc_Header.aspx"--> tag solved the problem.