Calculated News Expiration Date
Is there a way to set the ExpirationDate Predefined value to 60 days after the PublicationDate without modifying, or creating a new, module?
Hello Mark,
This option is available out-of-the box. When you open an item for editting you can choose More options and schedule Unpublish. Please refer to the attached image.
Kind regards,I found that already.
I am wondering if there is a way to progamatically set the unpublish date to always be defaulted to 60 days beyond the publish date.
Something like the attached.
Any suggestions
Hi Mark,
What you want to achieve can be done by modifying the AnyContentWorkflow. I have prepared a blog post on the subject and will do my best to make is available on as quickly as possible.
Kind regards,Hi guys,
Here's the blog post I talked about: