User Voice - If you had 1 (ONE) wish for 5.4 - what would it

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 07:27

User Voice - If you had 1 (ONE) wish for 5.4 - what would it be

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Posted by Community Admin on 19-Dec-2012 00:00

If you had one wish for 5.4 what would it be. (All PITS fixed is NO option)

My clients ask mostly for:

Image widget improvment.

low wish - open fullscreen -> lighbox not plain html page
Heigh wish - let me choose thumb to display and large image to be shown lightbox style.


Posted by Community Admin on 19-Dec-2012 00:00

One wish? - That I get another 99 wishes... LOL

However, if I was forced to pick from my long list...

That the field controls with selectors (e.g. ImageField, PageField, etc) have an option to allow opening of the selector in a separate dialog window.

Posted by Community Admin on 24-Dec-2012 00:00

Hi Marcus,

Thank you for this request. I will raise the priority for the image widget improvements task.
One thing that is going to be included in the next release is the fixed albums order and finally all albums will be listed alphabetically.

Mike, could you please give some more details on your request, I am not sure I understand it very well.

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Posted by Community Admin on 24-Dec-2012 00:00


FieldControls that use 'selectors' (the ImageField is a classic case) provide their 'selector' window as an iframe that is embedded into the parent dialog window. 

If you are creating a complex designer, this introduces all sorts of issues, as the selector dialog is thus embedded into the base dialog of the designer, resulting in a merging of parent and child dialogs that usually ends up as a real mess. 

Sure, you can screw about with resizing and hiding of elements, but it's impossible to get it to look right, as there is always a conflict between them. I always end up with selector dialogs that are a hassle for me to use, and very confusing for less familiar users than me.

What I would like is an option to open the selector dialog in a separate rad-window, and have the FieldControl manage all the issues of updating from the return value - much like this example on the aspnet-ajax controls demo site.

I would also like to have events that I could subscribe for all selectors, so that I know when the selector dialog is being opened and closed, allowing me to make 'intelligent' decisions on what actions I might want to take. At the moment the ImageField has no such events, forcing you to 'fake' it with multiple element events, and it's most unsatisfactory.

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