Allow Parameter Validation

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 16:23

Allow Parameter Validation

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Posted by Community Admin on 24-Jan-2013 00:00

Hi Everyone,

Can anyone give me an insight about how "Allow Parameter Validation" mechanism works. Here is my problem, I have the url for a page as domain/about/team, which has list of users. When I click on a user (which is a hyperlink with src as coded name, for example john-appleseed), it is taking me  to this url, domain/about/team/john-appleseed, which is exactly what I wanted. But I want to place a detail view widget on this page, can you guys please help me on how to handle this case. I understand that when the hyperlink is clicked it is posting to the same page with parameter added to its url. But where should I place the detailview widget, where should I write the code to show the detail view if there is a parameter in the url ?

Posted by Community Admin on 29-Jan-2013 00:00


 This is a duplicate of this post. Please refer to the other copy.

Kind regards,
Patrick Dunn
the Telerik team

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