Is there a way to change or add an additional base URL for feeds?
In our 3.x site, we have RSS feeds that start with We're about to migrate our 3.7 site to 5.3, but in 5.3, RSS feeds can only be generated at While that is OK for any new feeds, we would like to support our legacy RSS feeds so that our existing RSS subscribers can continue to receive feeds without interruption.
How can we achieve RSS feeds that start with ~/RSS/ with Sitefinity 5.3? Is there a way to have an additional base URL for feeds? Change the existing one?
I suppose we could also use the URLRewrite module in IIS 7.5, but if there is a cleaner Sitefinity way to do it, I would prefer that.
Hello Marko,
You can change it from Administration->Settings->Advanced->Publishing FeedsBaseURI field - see image.