Login widget displays "error:" with blank message

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 01:55

Login widget displays "error:" with blank message

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Posted by Community Admin on 13-Feb-2013 00:00

I've tried to setup a "public" login screen using the Login widget, and modified the Global.asax per the forum thread here.

I'm on Sitefinity 5.2, and I have two Membership Providers setup, one is the Default Sitefinity logins, the other is LDAP (Active Directory).

From the Sitefinity login screen (/Sitefinity/Authenticate/SWT) I cans select either Membership Provider and login without issue.

But when I created my custom login page for the public (the only page on the site that is open for "Everyone" to see, I drag a Login widget onto the page, but it doesn't work.

When I try to login, I get the message "error:" (no details, and nothing after the colon) that appears underneath the login button on the page. I viewed the page source and inspected the DOM, "error:" is the only thing being printed to the page.

When I click to edit the Login widget, it only has an "Advanced" view, the MembershipProvider value is set as "Default", which should be the Sitefinity logins. I've tried several other names related to the LDAP settings for that value as well, and in all cases I get the same results.

Anyone familiar with what might be happening here?


Posted by Community Admin on 13-Feb-2013 00:00

Through some advice from another developer, we found that the Login Widget advanced properties has a value named "ServiceUrl". It was set to "http:" though the login page itself was set to "https:".

That resolved the issue.

If it helps anyone else, we also had to set the "DestinationPageUrl" so that it wouldn't reload back to the login page, and instead redirects to the homepage. (...currently looking into a method to allow the "request_url" querystring to be used and recognized just as the standard Sitefinity login page uses...)

We also updated the "MembershipProvider" to use the LDAP provider name since we needed the custom login page to always use the same provider, where the backend login page uses the Sitefinity logins.


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