A few questions about MVC development.

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 23:06

A few questions about MVC development.

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Posted by Community Admin on 02-Mar-2013 00:00

Hello I am new to Sitefinity and I have a few questions before I commit to development:

1) Are there any plans to provide the starter controls for Web Forms as MVC controls? I seems like a huge pain to reinvent the wheel when working with Pure MVC, but I am not familiar with Web Forms development and I have concerns with what kind of markup that web forms generates.

2) Is there any way to modularize the way Sitefinity works with MVC (e.g. splitting different widgets into areas or separate projects). My original plan was to create class libraries for each of my widgets, but the way Sitefinity uses MVC is unclear and not well documented as to how one would develop with a Pure MVC approach.

3) I do not quite understand how I would theme a template (e.g. use bootstrap) using MVC or if that is even possible. I spoke with a Telerik representative and it seems that Sitefinity uses master pages for theming, but does that apply to Pure MVC as well?

Thanks for your concern.

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Mar-2013 00:00

Not sure about 1 or 2, but I can speak to 3

The powertools can allow you to modify the core template mvc uses... not sure why the rep didn't point that out. github.com/.../PowerTools

(Powertools were created by telerik btw, just released external)

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Mar-2013 00:00


You know if the Powertools/Root Templates work on template/page -edit now as well?

Last time I played with them they applied the new 'root' template only on a front-end level, so backend template editing wouldn't be as 'wysiwyg' as when using a .Master so to speak.


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