Limit search to content - not coding
When I search for a word used in coding, such as 'style', my results include all pages because that is a tag in the coding. How do I limit the search to non-coding content?
Hello Tony,
What is the version of your Sitefinity? there used to be such problem in older versions, but I can't reproduce it on Sitefinity 5.4. Also, is does your search index Html on pages?
Greetings,Thank you Jen.
Version 5.1 (our IT folks say they need to install latest version)
When I go to Administration > Search and Indexes, there are two listed. When I click to open either of them I see an error dialog that says "No pipe registered with name 'ProductInboundPipe'.
You're welcome, Tony.
The bug is fixed for version 5.3 SP2. We strongly recommend you to keep your Sitefinity version up-to-date for new features and bug fixes.
Jen Peleva
the Telerik team