I have been involved in several sitefinity builds, but I was wondering if anyone could assist in a responsive build. The site is being built as I write this, but when it comes to integrating the responsive portion I would feel more comfortable with someone that has already completed a responsive site.
Hello Jonathan,
I have some options in mind I would be happy to discuss them with you. I'll follow up with an email to schedule a brief call.
Regards,I've put together a custom website template on top of a responsive framework like HTML5 Boilerplate or Zurb Foundation or Bootstrap and it worked quite well. I used Jochem Bokker's Boilerplate SiteFinity theme work as my starting point:
Here is a link to my responsive SiteFinity template conversation thread with Jochem, I learned quite a bit in the process.
Once you get all the standard load order and pathname and JQuery version conflict bugs worked out it all behaves very predictably. It's simply a matter of understanding SiteFinity's design settings really well and also knowing the framework.
(repost due to delayed reaction)
Hey Jonathan,
Feel free to reach out if you still have some questions after talking to Momchil.
Thanks for the mention and sorry I've not gotten around to finish a Zurb Foundation setup yet, hopefully with the next release cycle.
Would you be able to skype? I live near chicago so my time zone is central. I have a project in place and I saw project and wanted to see if I could use the menu option once the responsive goes in place. My project is