Twitter API v1.1 Support
When will the support for Twitter API v1.1 be released, or at least a solution? A lot of our customers are relying on it and since Twitter abandoned API v1.0, after a 8 month transition period, the customers are without twitter feed for almost 2 weeks now.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Jelle Spaan | RedMatters
The "Official" solution is the "new" twitter widget in 6.0 (plain textbox control with a twitter icon)
If you're on PRE 6.0...Essentially go to and get the widget script and paste it into a content block or custom thunder widget. The new widget is literally no different....
Or use the marketplace twitter feed widget which at least implements 1.1 to give us a styleable widget.
Voice your diapproval
Thank you for the clarification Steve!
I would expect more from an enterprise CMS, by not only supporting 6.0, but at least 5.0. Telerik, could you please give us a clarification of the reason for not coming with a good solution? I personally see this as a lack in commitment to the faithful customer.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Jelle Spaan | RedMatters
Hi Jelle,
Thnak you for the constructive feedback.
Please let me follow up on your questions as follows:
I would expect more from an enterprise CMS, by not only supporting 6.0, but at least 5.0. Telerik, could you please give us a clarification of the reason for not coming with a good solution?
You are absolutely correct - although supplying a Twitter widget that can be installed to the older versions, or providing a hotfix that contains this widget out of the box is an option, it would require bigger commitment on the user side.
Alternatively, we have decided to explain briefly the cause for this problem, and our suggested solution in a Knowledge Base article available on our Developer Network here.
I personally see this as a lack in commitment to the faithful customer.
Please accept our sincere apologies for implying such lack of commitment, I agree with you that the KB article should have been released earlier, and this would definitely serve as an example which we should learn from. As a product integrating with various third party libraries and services we always try staying ahead of any API breaking changes, and strive for delivering a solution for the latest officially available product version as soon as possible. Your feedback on the need for addressing such issues with the previously released versions is indeed correct and we'll definitely like to take it into account for the future - this is something we've already tried delivering with the latest Google Analytics API changes.
Once again thanks to everyone participating in the discussion for being active and showing us how we can improve our product and service - your feedback is kindly appreciated.
Boyan Barnev
The fact that you can just plop the code into a content block shows how bad the "new" twitter\textbox widget is.
So Boyan, while it is a *Solution* it's a terrible one, and we're taking the heat on it...not you guys
Hello Boyan,
Thank you for the work-around, got one problem with it and that is the styling. The naming of the ID's and classes in the Twitter feed is a lot different then the naming of the Twitter widget. Is there a way to easily make it in line with each other, instead of restyling the Twitter feed of all our customers?
Thank you in advance!
Kind Regards,
Jelle Spaan | RedMatters
I am wondering when I will get an answer...?
The markup is twitter generated, telerik has zero control in this context. However if properly implimented with 1.1, they could define the markup...and keep it standard.
I realize its gotta suck supporting 3rd parties telerik...but if you're not comitted to staying ahead of the game then just don't add the bits to sitefinity in the first place.
I do hear an actually working widget is being created, but who knows when itll showup
Hi guys,
In our upcoming Sitefinity 6.1 SP1 version we have tweaked the design based on your constructive feedback and added some features (including the ability to manage the Twitter widget Templates). Using the new refactored widget you will have the ability to change its template, select a feed to display and set
number of displayed tweets.
Fantastic! So it's actually *REAL* 1.1 support now, not just "Paste in code from"?
Hello Steve,
Yes, the widget will fully support the new Twitter API, so you can get the most of the social network to Sitefinity and the other way around.
Victor Velev