Campaign Multiple Lists

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 20:47

Campaign Multiple Lists

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Posted by Community Admin on 03-Jul-2013 00:00

In Sitefinity prior to version 4 you could send an email to many mailings lists.  The user is presented with a list of checkboxes and can check any number of lists they want.  I'm using 6 now and seem to only be able to send an issue to one list at a time.  Is that correct or am I missing something.  Thanks.

Posted by Community Admin on 08-Jul-2013 00:00

Hi Shawn,

 I've tested creating mailing list and campaigns in several Sitefinity versions, and we don't have an option to send the campaign to multiple lists at the same time. However, since a new campaign is a copy of the previous campaign, after you've sent the issue to one mailing list, you can send the same issue to another mailing list. 

Jen Peleva
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Posted by Community Admin on 11-Feb-2015 00:00

So I am using Sitefinity 6.3.5 Standard Edition. Can this be done in this version? Can I send an email campaign to multiple lists? Thanks

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Feb-2015 00:00

Hi Lori,

I have replied in the ticket you have opened related to this. I am pasting the reply in this forum thread as well for your convenience and for the community:

Currently, it is not possible to select multiple lists when sending an email campaign. We have logged this as a feature request in our system and hopefully we will be able to provide this functionality in our future releases. Here is the link to the description of the feature request. You can vote to increase its popularity.

Sabrie Nedzhip

Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Sitefinity CMS Ideas&Feedback Portal and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 02-Nov-2017 00:00

Here's an idea for anyone who wants to accomplish this. It is a bit of annoying though. But what I was looking at doing was either a) using sitefinity to organize the subscribers in groups (different mailing lists) or b) (likely) creating my own table that contains subscribers and the groups they are in. 
I'm creating a tool to drop into the Email Campaigns module/backend pages that presents all my separate lists. I pick the lists I wish to send to but all this actually does, is create 1 list in Sitefinity that contains a merged list. This way you can go in an use all Sitefinity existing plumbing to send out an Issue, and all you do is pick 1 list that you created. This way, also all customization/changes exist ONLY in the list construction part. 

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