Ecommerce Products Not Showing After Upgrade to 6.1

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 12:07

Ecommerce Products Not Showing After Upgrade to 6.1

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 12-Aug-2013 00:00


I recently upgraded from SF 5.4.xxxx to 6.1.4300 and am
experiencing the issue noted in this breaking changes document.  Can you
please provide me with more detail (step-by-step) on how I run this

Thank you,

Posted by Community Admin on 12-Aug-2013 00:00


After posting, I found this in the forums -->

I am developing in VB, so I had to convert the code to this -->

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Linq
Imports Telerik.OpenAccess
Imports Telerik.Sitefinity.Ecommerce.Catalog.Model
Imports Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Ecommerce.Catalog
Imports Telerik.Sitefinity.Services
Public Class EcomUpgradeFix
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Response.Write("All done!")
    End Sub
    Private Sub UpdateExistingProductsWithoutLifecycleSupport()
        Dim inactiveProducts As List(Of Guid) = CreateMasterProductsFromLiveOnes()
    End Sub
    Private Sub UnpublishTheNotActiveProducts(inactiveProducts As List(Of Guid))
        Using catalogManager__1 = CatalogManager.GetManager()
            Dim products = catalogManager__1.GetProducts().Where(Function(p) p.Status = Telerik.Sitefinity.GenericContent.Model.ContentLifecycleStatus.Live)
            Dim skip As Integer = 0
            Dim take As Integer = 100
            Dim currentCount As Integer = 0
            Dim totalCount As Integer = products.Count()
            While currentCount < totalCount
                Dim chunkedProducts = products.Skip(skip).Take(take)
                skip = skip + take
                currentCount = skip
                For Each productLive In chunkedProducts
                        'all inactive old versions should be made invisible.
                        If inactiveProducts.Contains(productLive.OriginalContentId) Then
                            Dim publishedTranslations = New List(Of String)(productLive.PublishedTranslations.ToList())
                            'copy since the collection will be modified by the unpublish durring the loop
                            If publishedTranslations.Count() > 0 Then
                                'unpublish for each translation
                                For Each publishedTranslation In publishedTranslations
                                    catalogManager__1.Lifecycle.Unpublish(productLive, New CultureInfo(publishedTranslation))
                                'unpublish invariant only
                                catalogManager__1.Lifecycle.Unpublish(productLive, SystemManager.CurrentContext.AppSettings.DefaultFrontendLanguage)
                            End If
                        End If
                    Catch innerEx As Exception
                    End Try
            End While
        End Using
    End Sub
    Private Sub PublishAllMasterProducts()
        Using catalogManager__1 = CatalogManager.GetManager()
            Dim products = catalogManager__1.GetProducts().Where(Function(p) p.Status = Telerik.Sitefinity.GenericContent.Model.ContentLifecycleStatus.Master)
            Dim skip As Integer = 0
            Dim take As Integer = 100
            Dim currentCount As Integer = 0
            Dim totalCount As Integer = products.Count()
            While currentCount < totalCount
                Dim chunkedProducts = products.Skip(skip).Take(take)
                skip = skip + take
                currentCount = skip
                For Each productMaster In chunkedProducts
                        Dim publishedTranslations = productMaster.PublishedTranslations
                        If publishedTranslations.Count() > 0 Then
                            'publish for each translation
                            For Each publishedTranslation In publishedTranslations
                                catalogManager__1.Lifecycle.Publish(productMaster, New CultureInfo(publishedTranslation))
                            'publish for default
                            catalogManager__1.Lifecycle.Publish(productMaster, SystemManager.CurrentContext.AppSettings.DefaultFrontendLanguage)
                        End If
                    Catch innerEx As Exception
                    End Try
            End While
        End Using
    End Sub
    Private Function CreateMasterProductsFromLiveOnes() As List(Of Guid)
        Dim notActiveProducts As New List(Of Guid)()
        Dim currentUserId As Guid = Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.SecurityManager.GetCurrentUserId()
        Using catalogManager__1 = CatalogManager.GetManager()
            Dim products = catalogManager__1.GetProducts().Where(Function(p) p.Status = Telerik.Sitefinity.GenericContent.Model.ContentLifecycleStatus.Live AndAlso IsNothing(p.OriginalContentId))
            ' yes it should be null not Guild.Empty
            For Each productLive As Product In products
                productLive.Status = Telerik.Sitefinity.GenericContent.Model.ContentLifecycleStatus.Master
                Dim isActiveLegacy = productLive.FieldValue(Of Boolean)("isActive")
                'we cannot use reflection because open access has not populated the field yet so (bool)typeof(Product).GetField("isActive", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(productLive) will always return false
                If Not isActiveLegacy Then
                    'TODO use the internal method because the property IsActive now uses lifecycle
                    productLive.ApprovalWorkflowState = "Unpublished"
                    productLive.ApprovalWorkflowState = "Published"
                End If
                If currentUserId <> Guid.Empty Then
                    productLive.Owner = currentUserId
                    productLive.OriginalOwner = currentUserId
                End If
        End Using
        Return notActiveProducts
    End Function
End Class

When I run the script from the page that I created, I get the following error:

Execution of 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information:IsNothing(Object)' on the database server side currently not implemented.

Can you please help me with this?  Please remember that I am developing in VB if you provide script examples or fixes.

Thank you,

Posted by Community Admin on 12-Aug-2013 00:00

I got the script to run successfully, but the problem still exists.  When I try to access the Products in the backend, I get the following error message:  "Sequence contains no elements"


Posted by Community Admin on 15-Aug-2013 00:00

Hello Jim,

For projects using the Ecommerce it is required that the upgrade path is 5.4 - 6.0-6.1. This is due to the major changes to the Ecommerce module and products. Please, try upgrading again and if the issue persists, get back to us in a support ticket so we can investigate further and then we will share the solution with the community.

Atanas Valchev
Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 15-Aug-2013 00:00

I'm still (a month after release) going back and forth with support...but tyr this..

Edit your product types table and...

The "ApplicationName" of your product type in DB is "/Catalog", but the system is looking for "/EcommerceCommon". Change this and you will see the products listed.

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Aug-2013 00:00

Sorry, nevermind...while it appears to work, the product.svc just outright crashed

...who cares though eh, customers don't need working (or supported) modules.

This thread is closed