6.1 Mewsletter Subscriber import

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 12:37

6.1 Mewsletter Subscriber import

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Aug-2013 00:00

Now I start looking at newsletter campains and as usual come with questions and ideas.

When I save an excel file as csv it will save it with semi-colon seperatation not comma. Might be a regional setting. I am using Excel 2010 German version.

Would it be possible to give 3 option on import tab,  semi-colon and comma?


Subcribers are show with first name and last name combinde. Would it be possible to have that splitted in the overview?

Vorname = Frist name
Nachname = Last name


Posted by Community Admin on 18-Aug-2013 00:00

Hi Markus,

you can choose the CSV formart when you use "save as". And then you can Change the delimiter of the CSV.

Posted by Community Admin on 19-Aug-2013 00:00

Dear TMatt

Excel will save the csv as comma or semicolomn seperated csv files according to the country and language settings. In Swiss german the "Listentrennzeichen" seems to be semicolomn by default.

Of course I could change it there but this is a bit strange. Ecxel does not let you choose if you want to save seperated by comma or semicolumn. it just gives you the option to save the CSV as sperated list.

See attachment.

Therefore I stay by the feature request to have 3 import options.


Posted by Community Admin on 21-Aug-2013 00:00

Hi guys,

Actually this depends on the regional settings of the computer. Excel uses the List separator setting when creating a CSV files.This setting can be changed in Region and Language -> Additional settings in control panel.


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Posted by Community Admin on 21-Aug-2013 00:00

Dear Kaloyan

Thank you very much confirming what I just wrote in my last post.

However I still think it would make sense for both options , and ; seperated because 

a) you have to figure out first that the spearation is different
b) then you have to figure out that you can not change the default in excel
c) then you have to find the regional settings
d) then you have to have rights to change that
e) then you need a pat on the back because you were so smart but wasted 2 hours searching

So having the option to import ; or , would save all that hassle.


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