6.1 multi lingual copy from other language - keywords, descr

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 15:03

6.1 multi lingual copy from other language - keywords, description

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 21-Aug-2013 00:00

Good day

When creating another language of a page by copying the content of an existing language it seems the description, title and keyword are empty.

a) is this intentinal
b) my setup wrong
c) can keywords and descriptions be copied over (from the depeth of the advanced admin setting)


Posted by Community Admin on 11-Sep-2013 00:00

Can we get a PITS on this?

It really would be helpfull that if you copy a page from another page when the description and keywords would be copied over

a) keywords (even not important) might be the same
b) you get a clue what you had on the other page



Posted by Community Admin on 13-Sep-2013 00:00


Any response on that?


Posted by Community Admin on 16-Sep-2013 00:00

Hello Markus,

Please excuse us for the delay. I have logged a PITS issue where you can track the status and vote to increase the popularity of this Feature Request.


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Posted by Community Admin on 16-Sep-2013 00:00

Dear Kaloyan

Tanks for putting it to PITS. Can't be to hard to have this done. 

Won't get 20 votes in 3 years, so it's another PIT Stop. (Formula 1 takes only a few seconds)


Posted by Community Admin on 19-Sep-2013 00:00

Hi Markus,

If this request gain enough popularity I hope that it will be included in one of our future releases. 


Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 19-Sep-2013 00:00

Dear Kaloyan

When I was 12 years old I wanted to go to the movies and to see Star Wars IV but I was to young. My mother told me not to worry the movie would be shown on TV in 10 years. 

This is how I feel about your answer.

Look at the screenshot and tell me how many votes such a feature request would have to get before its even considered to end up on any road map.

I realy do stop adding feature request since it simply is a waste of my time. 



Posted by Community Admin on 27-Sep-2013 00:00

Hey Markus,  I looked at your image and I feel pretty much the same way you do.  I think all the new features they are adding are great but some of this old stuff means more to me than much of the new stuff.  I will point out that the last item in your image is doable through CSS but it is kind of hacky and should be provided by Sitefinity.  To do that, all you need to do as the following CSS to your sites css file.  So if you give your placeholders decent names they will show inside the placeholder.  It does make the internal content get pushed a line down but it has helped my content managers out a lot.

 content: attr(placeholderid);

Posted by Community Admin on 27-Sep-2013 00:00

Dear Brett

Thank's once more for the hack.


Posted by Community Admin on 02-Oct-2013 00:00

Hello guys,

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community.

I completely understand your position and I want to thank you again for the valuable feedback which you always provide us.


Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

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