Using MS Access to read and update content and libraries
Is it somehow possible to use MS Access to read and eventually update Sitefinity content? I'm asking because MS Access is able to read and update SharePoint lists and libraries so I was wondering.
I need to store in an MS Access DB urls of some documents stored in sitefinity libraries. If I could have a sort of linked table that queries a library and returns document name, url, author and so on...
Thank you
Hi Marco,
I'm not sure if that would be a good idea, since you would be accessing the tables directly. Better would be to see if you can manage to update this database from Sitefinity?
You maybe could define an Entity Model based on your MS Access database. Then you can write a module or just a simple WebForms page to use this new Entity Model together with the Sitefinity APIs to do your stuff.
If you have any questions, let me know?
Kind regards,
Hi Daniel,
I think you are right. This is a better approach.
Thank you,
Hi Macro,
it is not recommended to make any database changes directly and not going using our API.
Because this may lead to unmaintainable state of your database and big big issues in future Sitefinity version and schema updates.
Nayden Gochev