I am upgrading the sitefinity version from 5.2.3801 to 6.1.
I upgraded it on my development environment using latest project manager [Clicking on Upgrade option].
Now, I want to upgrade the site and database on production server.
What is the process to upgrade on production server without replacing the database.
Hello Aruna,
Please take a look at our Documentation on how you can upgrade the live version of your project (step 12).
I have a v5.0 site that I need to upgrade, so we can implement some new content widgets.
I've read the upgrade documentation from the link above, but am just wanting to confirm that I've properly understood the required steps.
1. Upgrade 5.0 -> 5.2
2. Upgrade 5.2 -> 5.4
3. Upgrade 5.4 -> 6.1
i.e. 3 steps of 2-version increments, skipping versions 5.1, 5.3 and 6.0
Hello MB,
Yes you have understood correctly.