List latest news titles in footer
Hi there,
I am using Sitefinity 6.1 and am having some trouble adding the news widget.
Can you tell me how I add a static set of links in the footer that point to the top 3 latest news articles. I have tried adding the news widget to my master template footer and using the List template to display the links. This works fine and when a link from this list is clicked I am taken to the correct page displaying the details however the footer also changes to the details rather than staying as a list of recent news.
Is there way of adding a permanent list of latest news links that wont change when viewing the news details page?
Please let me know if you require further explanation. Thanks
I spoke too soon... Found my answer on another thread:
"The newslist can be permanently set to be in list view. Edit the widget and click on "Advanced". change the property for ContentViewDisplayMode from Automatic to Master. Now that list will always be in list view."
Thanks so much anyway.