Validation of CAPTCHA

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 08:02

Validation of CAPTCHA

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 27-Nov-2013 00:00


Can anyone help? How can I set the validation of CAPTCHA?
I can set the CAPTCHA in the form but validation does not work. My sitefinity version is 6.2.
Another question, Can I show the pages in the sitefinity thunder?

Best Regards,
Wing Li

Posted by Community Admin on 29-Nov-2013 00:00

Hello Wing,

In version 6.2 of Sitefinity there is a build-in CAPTCHA spam protection. On my test project this functionality work as expected. I have recorded and a short video for demonstration.

If you still have problems with this functionality you can record a short video to demonstrate what is the exact problem which you are facing.


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Posted by Community Admin on 01-Dec-2013 00:00

Thanks Kaloyan 
I can do it in the default form widget easily.
However, can I use the captcha widget in the registration form widget?
And how can I set the validation?


Posted by Community Admin on 03-Dec-2013 00:00

Hi Wing,

for this particular scenario I would suggest to check the following blog post where you can find how you can implement a custom registration widget with integrated Captcha:

Registration Widget with Integrated Captcha Spam Protection in Sitefinity CMS


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