Forms duplication
Fist thanks for this KB article
I wrote a comment before seeing this: We have a lot of requests form clients about duplication of existing Sitefinity forms.
Wells since AB testing was dropped in SE because nobody used it how about adding something that oviously many want.
Because it might be that ...
... if a client wants a form duplicated
- he calles up the developer
- the developer goes and looks for the form name of the form
- the developer creates or edit the page with the given code
- the developer builds the project
- the new build is deployed
- of course the site restarts
Am I correct? If yes - how practical do you think that is?
And don't tell us to build something that would make this more convenient because then every one (instead of Telerik) would have to do this.
Again - not much of a programmer so I might be wrong.
But if I am right
- then this is another case were every single developer of SF sites would have to do a lot of work instead of Telerik doing it for us.
- Telerik is simply not providing more then we expect.
Stefani on it April 2013
Yes we do have plans to include this in a future release. Although we have not been able to include in for the upcoming 6.0 , the feature request is in our backlog, you can follow its progress and vote for its popularity here in PITS -> 44 Votes on PITS
Bottom line
-> lots of request from customers
-> lots of votes on PITS
-> Request open since December 2011 (two years)
-> Workaround/Solution might simply not be practical in real live.