Image Gallery Questions
Ok, this is driving me crazy.
I have added several image galleries but only one of them is working like I want it to.
Here is my set up. Using SF 6.1.
I have a test image gallery in the root Images folder. This gallery works correctly; I can select Image Gallery Settings and select Thumbnails + Lightbox and then in the Fine Tune area, I can select the dropdown list of the thumbnail size that I want to see. I use the 120 x 120 cropped version.
I have several other Image Galleries buried in sub image folders and I can NOT select the Fine Tune area and get the dropdown list of thumbnail sizes. The list is NOT PRESENT.
Are you telling me that I have to have all of my Image Galleries in the ROOT folder for this to work?
I hope not.
Please help me.
The behavior that you mentioned is caused by a known issue that we have already fixed in version 6.2 of Sitefinity. Based on this I could suggest you upgrade to version Sitefinity 6.2. More information about the upgrade procedure could be found in our documentation.
Regards,Dear Tony
If you upgrade you might want to consider updating to the latest version 6.3 :-)
Thanks Markus.
Is there a link to the 6.3 version fixes and new features?
Dear Tony
An update from 6.1 to 6.3 is possible in one step.
Kind regards
Thank you all for replying.
I will see if I can get our Admin to upgrade our site copy.