Issue while copying content from word and pasting to RadEditor control
We have an application which uses a telerik Rad Editor control (Not Kendo UI control).We have set the property
NewLineBr =true to correct the formating issue with control.But as per the requirement user will copy content from word and paste at the rad editor control.
We are looking for a provision for the below two scenarios's
1. Remove the unwanted styles from the copied content while pasting to it
2. As we have set the property NewLineBr =true we are expecting content which pasted to the control to have <br> tags instead of <p>
Request you to update if there is an existing option to achieve this by using Rad editor control.
Hi Team,
Request you to provide an update on the issue reported.We have been waiting for the reply to find out a feasible option to fix this problem.
Hi Jayakrishnan,
Please check the following documentation article where you can find detailed information how to disable word formatting in RadEditor.
Editor - Cleaning Word Formatting
Regarding your next question I have recorded a short video to demonstrate how you have enable br tags.