Custom Module Workflow Issue
I have created a new custom module via SiteFinity Thunder and I am having an issue regarding workflow. The module I creared with SiteFinity Thunder does not show up as an option to add to a SiteFinity Workflow.
Is this by design? Can I use SiteFinity Thunder to create a custom module to add to a workflow?
I have reviewed the Product example listed and that works and I am able to add it to a workflow (although the name shows up as "#ResourceNotFound#:ProductsResources:ProductsTitle" in the workflow editor), but when I build my own module via thunder it does not show up at all in the workflow view.
If at all possible, I'd prefer to use Thunder, otherwise it would be on me to create the code that Thunder is currently handling. If that's not a possibility, please let me know so I can pursue the correct path.
Hello Mike,
Thank you for contacting us.
Please note that you need to implement a custom workflow for your custom module created with Thunder. The Products module has a custom workflow and this is why you can select the module and add it to a workflow from the backend.
You may take a look at the following resources for more details on implementing a custom workflow: