Looking for advice on file storage
Hi gang. I am looking for some feedback on file storage.
We are building a large portal solution that we will be deploying globally on Azure. We are aware of the file storage solutions and limitations, and are looking for your feedback on what you implemented.
In a perfect world, we would use Private Azure blob storage containers, because the portal is secured and we do not want people directly downloading sensitive files, but this is not implemented in Sitefinity's out of the box solution.
So that leaves us with File System storage or blob storage in the database. Which do you all prefer and why? Thanks in advance for your response.
I prefer file system...when it was released we just didn't have it so the database sizes were just INSANE. In a shared hosting scenario file storage is way less expensive than DB.
...also if I need to pull down a DB to local it's way faster than if it was a 4Gig DB.