SSL Ecommerce Problem
I've setup my site's ecommerce so that the Basket & Checkout pages require SSL
That works fine however if user then navigates to other pages (where SSL is NOT required)
The page is served as SSL (https) and cause various problems.
Example: User goes to basket then "Continues Shopping"
On the product detail page clicking on a thumbnail, the image zoom doesn't work correctly (Jquery?)
Is there a simple way to ensure pages are delivered as http rather than https
in other words only pages where "SSL required" are https (SSL)
Hope some one can shed light on this....
This doesn't address your problem but if you don't have a requirement for pages to be non SSL I would suggest you make the whole site SSL.
Thanks Darrin
Decided to tackle the SSL issues head on....
SSL was causing problems on pages using scripts so changed all script references to https
Also the public login widget has SSL issues: Found 2 key answers:
Widget - Advanced Properties -
ServiceUrl: Must set to https://
Administration » Settings » Advanced » Security. In AccessControlAllowOrigin, enter *
Not sure about making the whole site SSL but at least I now know fixes for SSL problems