Excluding Header information from site search results
Hello community,
We're currently running 6.2 of the platform and are experiencing a problem with site search.
The search results returned are over-9indexing the site so much as to render the search feature not useful.
It seems that search is crawling and header information at the page level and retuning that in the search results.
My question for the community is, has anyone experience the same problem, and/or, does anyone have a solve for excluding certain page-level data from the query. Please advise.
Yeah you have to hide what you don,t want indexed...its easy though
Ignore all the layout stuff, just look at the line of code
this.Visible = this.GetIndexRenderMode() == Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.IndexRenderModes.Normal;
So in your masterpage codebehind or widgets just hide stuff based on the rendermode....it'll fix your problem.
Hello Michael,
If you have any issues implementing the new layout control, please let us know.
Vassil Vassilev