Use sitefinity as IP for a relying party
I would need to use Sitefinity STS as IP for a relying party that is using PHP.
I haven't been able to find any php library that works with SWT. Is there any recommended php library for this? Alternatively, is there any way of changing the token format that Sitefinity STS is using to SAML ?
Also, where can I get information about the claims that Sitefinity STS is providing?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Gavin,
There is a very good article written by Svetla Yankova for SSO basics in Sitefinity:
I have consulted with our core team who explained that we are not only using Simple Web Token (the format for transmitting an assertion between the parties), but the protocol we are using it is non-default or in other words you need to write the php library on your own, which will surely be time consuming.
Hope this information helps.
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Hi Vassil,
Many thanks for your answer. I have in fact written a php library that handles the authentication and consumes the custom swt format from Sitefinity.
Would it be possible to extend the STS server so it returns more data about the users? If it is possible could you point me a resource that helps us achiving this?