Hi In sitefinity in the Navigation Widget, I need to know about the dynamic content I have selected. ie, On the page template I have a content block(created by dynamic content) and Navigation widget. how can I see the content block data in Navigation. Is it possible to be done.. if so how can be done?
Hello Madhu,
I am afraid I am not able to understand the exact use case scenario on your end. Can you please provide more details and if possible screenshots to demonstrated the exact results you would like to have.
Sabrie Nedzhip
I have created a Page template which has all the footer, Navigation etc.. And I have used this I have created an emergency button on the Navigation, template to create a widget template using the content(created with dynamic Module builder). When the content changes in the widget template, Emergency I have a link which needs to have a parameter of the content changed. Is it possible.
So, this is how you can accomplish it when using a DynamicContent type as the related content. It'll need to be modified to work with ContentBlock but, the idea is there.
<%# (DynamicContent)(Eval("CustomContent")) != null ? "<
>" + new DynamicLinksParser(true, true).Apply(((Lstring)Eval("CustomContent.Content")).Value) + "</
>" : null %>
@Tim, thank you for your suggestion.
@Madhu, in addition to this, as we have discussed in the support ticket, you can also update the link using javascript. Please also checkout the following blog post which you may find helpful.
Sabrie Nedzhip