Adding a custom module give "Could not load type" error
I have a working custom module but I need multiple versions so I copied it and renamed the files according then made changes as needed. I was sure to replace references to the copied file to the new files.
I updated my Toolboxesconfig.config file accordingly under my currently working module:
"Caring Together Letter - Whale Shark"
I then uploaded my new modules into the same place as my others, updated the Toolboxesconfig.config file and did a reset by doing this: "Administration -> Settings -> User Authentication" and selecting "save changes". I did this according to
My new modules show up at the expected location in the toolbox but when I try to add them I get the error
Could not load type 'SitefinityWebApp.Custom.Forms.CaringTogetherLetterWhaleShark.CaringTogetherLetterWhaleShark'.
I've double check but everything seems to be registered and I've replaced the needed areas in the new files from the copied files.
The SitefinityWebApp.dll has been updated?