What's fixed
Field Controls
- Automatic migration of all TextFields of type NUMERIC and CURRENCY in order to continue to function properly after an upgrade to 8.1.
Symptoms : If you have a non-required custom field of type number after an upgrade to Sitefinity 8.1, leaving the field empty results in error “
The value cannot be parsed as the type 'decimal'” and the content item is not saved.
- Feather assemblies that come from official distributions are signed. Since version 1.3.300.1 feather packages contain signed assemblies. We updated some of the packages on http://nuget.sitefinity.com and you might need to clear your NuGet cache in case you have already downloaded one of these packages.
Sitefinity 8.1 Hotfix 1 comes with Feather 1.3.300.1.
- Fixed issue with nuget ugprades of ResourcePackages when the folder and its content is not included in the csproj file.
- Improvements in Sitefinity installer and ProjectManager regarding trial installations of the product.
The Hotfix doesn't include fixes from Sitefinity internal builds.