"System Initializing" page issue when calling the

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 08:40

"System Initializing" page issue when calling the sitefinity page.

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 31-Dec-2015 00:00

I am publishing Sitefinity under IIS. The Sitefinity version is 8.2.

Every day when I enter the site, it always shows "System Initializing page". I can not understand why this frequently occurs. Neither  I restart the IIS nor take a build. Are there any settings to turn off this initialize.


Posted by Community Admin on 31-Dec-2015 00:00


The System is Initializing message that you are seeing is the newly introduced in Sitefinity 8.2 application status page: http://docs.sitefinity.com/overview-application-status-page

The reason you are seeing it is that the site is offline when you first access it. By default IIS will shutdown any site after 20 minutes of idle time. Once shutdown the first request to the site after that will bring it back up and thus cause Sitefinity to initialize.

You can increase the time before IIS shuts down the site by changing the "Idle Time-out (minutes)" property in the advanced settings of the application pool.

Velizar Bishurov

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Posted by Community Admin on 04-Jan-2016 00:00


It is clear now. Thank you for your deal.

Best Regards,

Erhan Saydam

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