A few questions about how to use email campaigns
We are currently using version 8.1 and we have been very satisfied with all the features. We have a dev site and production site and use site sync to sync content.
I am a little confused about the correct way to use email campaigns. Right now, we have some email campaigns and mailing lists on dev. Should sending out emails be done on the dev or production server? How do we sync campaigns and mailing lists to the production server?
Also, if we add the subscribe widget to a page on the dev side, aren't we going to choose the mailing list from the dev side and not the production side? What happens when we sync the page to production? Will the widget know which mailing list to use on production?
Thank you for your help.
The list of the synchronized content is available here:
In particular e-mail campaigns are not synced content, so you can use one of the servers you need to send them. In case you place subscribe widget on the source, you can select the mailing list you need after the sync of that page on the destination server.
More information about the e-mail campaigns is available here:
Svetoslav Manchev