Retrieve Custom Field from Event Module

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 20:31

Retrieve Custom Field from Event Module

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Feb-2016 00:00


I´m using sitefinity 8.2 version in a MVC aplication where I have created two custom fields in Events built-in module.

When I bring a detailed single event I can see all its properties including the image etc.

But after I try all possible tutorials to bring the custom fields that I have created it always returns null.

For example:

EventsManager eventsManager = EventsManager.GetManager();
Event item = eventsManager.GetEvents().Where(ev => ev.UrlName == itemName).FirstOrDefault(); // it works and bring the single item

How can I query the two custom fields created ?


Posted by Community Admin on 09-Feb-2016 00:00


Manually add

using Telerik.Sitefinity.Model;
to make available the extension methods GetValue and SetValue extension methods.

Get the custom fields like this
EventsManager eventsManager = EventsManager.GetManager();
           Event item = eventsManager.GetEvents().Where(ev => ev.GetValue<decimal>("VisitorsCount") == 12).FirstOrDefault();
           var testFieldvalue = item.GetValue("Testfield");
           item.SetValue("TestField", "new value");

Stanislav Velikov
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