Adding custom field in single Image Library adds it to all Image Libraries
We would like to add a custom related image field to a specific image library without it showing up on all other image libraries, is this possible?
Hi Jacques,
The custom fields under Content > Images here are related to the Images but not to the libraries. Creating such custom field - it will be applied to all the Images.
I hope this helps.
Svetoslav Manchev
Thanks for the reply Svetoslav.
It's a real pity that this is not supported on a per library basis since it has so many business cases that it would suite. (Same goes for document libraries)
Use Case: Company Director Images
For me this would work better than creating a bunch of content items in columns because it's more structured based on the template it uses. Having the template alone makes it more powerful becase you have absolute control over what each part of the HTML is going to do.
A custom widget is also an option yes, which is what we ended up doing and using Thunder made it far simpler, but Thunder is missing some things like the designer doesn't allow you to automatically put in a rich text editor for certain public properties. (The image selector based on a Guid type property is great)
The list control wouldn't have worked as smoothly either, because you run into the exact same problem where adding custom fields (I imagine) adds them to all lists.
I wondered whether this could be achieved through a different data provider, but it seemed like a long shot and way too much work for the budget we have for this particular task.
One alternative approach would be to create a custom module using Module Builder and add an image field along with your custom field. Then use the custom module instead of the image library.
Hello Dave,
Thank you for the shared solution.
This seems very good approach, as the necessary custom fields and documents/images could be added as related data/related media fields and there is no need of any custom development.
Svetoslav Manchev