List Item URL's being truncated when they contain an apostrophe
Since I like the expand/collapse feature, I am currently using an Expandable List template to show off my list. Due to my requirement's, I found a way for each list item to be seen in a new page by having a hyperlink based off of this: '<%# Eval("UrlName")%>'.
I got it to work based on the requirements needed, however I figured out that when my list item title has an apostrophe, the url name gets truncated and so I end up getting a broken link.
This post gave me insight on what's wrong which is that I need runat="server" in my template to work.'s-are-being-truncated-when-they-contain-an-apostrophe
However, when I do that by doing an <asp hyperlink> instead of <a href> I get this error: A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (<).
Adding this to the template gives me the right link, however I don't like that I can't change the page where it goes to nor change the text, it simply has the title as the text.
<sf:DetailsViewHyperLink runat="server" id="detailLink" TextDataField="Title" ToolTipDataField="Description" data-sf-field="Title" data-sf-ftype="ShortText"></sf:DetailsViewHyperLink>
Does anyone know a way around this? Basically, I still would like to use the expandable list template for list items, but still have a way to access the individual list item in a separate page via a modifiable text that's a hyperlink.
I found a way to change the text if I use the <sf:DetailsViewHyperLink> but would it be possible to redirect it to a different page instead of generating a new page with the url of the page I'm on?
For example I have the expandable template w/ the hyperlink in a page with the url home/education. When I click the link, I get home/education/course-name , could I change it to redirect to home/main/course-name? Would this be possible?
Hi Patricia,
You ca try using the HyperLink in your template, for example:
href='<%# String.Format("01","home/education/", Eval("UrlName")) %>' Target="_blank" runat="server">Full Story</