Custom search widget to Sitefinity 8.0
Hi everyone,
I'm using Sitefinity 8.0 and I wanted to have a search box with a drop down menu next to it to select search categories from. I found this thread:
Where code was provided to do almost exactly that. Unfortunately, this was for Sitefinity 5.1 and so I've run into some problems trying to add the code to my SF 8 website. So far, I added the customsearch project to my existing project in visual studio, added the reference, then registered the widget with Thunder (it says successfully registered). But when I try to add the customsearch widget to one of my pages in the Page Editor, I get a pop up window saying:
Type "SearchByCategory.Widgets.CustomSearchBox, SearchByCategory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" cannot be resolved.
I'm not sure what this means exactly so any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.