Site sync - New images not being synched
When adding new images to the source environment and trying to sync, we get:
Telerik.Sitefinity.Libraries.Model.Image: 2 - failed
An internal error occurred on the target server. Please, check logs for further information about error details!
On the target server, the error reads
[3/6/2017 9:12:11 PM] Failed to finish transaction.
Error details:
Telerik.Sitefinity.Utilities.MS.ServiceModel.Web.WebProtocolException: An item with the URL '/images/librariesprovider2/puerto-rico-library/2' already exists.
at DynamicModule.ns.Wrapped_OpenAccessLibrariesProvider_38c4019e3ba646b0abdf37008c4a5d4c.RecompileItemUrls[T](T item)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.GenericContent.ContentManagerBase`1.RecompileItemUrls[T](T item)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.SiteSync.MediaImporter.ImportMediaContent(WrapperObject item, Guid itemId, Type itemType, String provider, LibrariesManager manager, String transactionName)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.SiteSync.MediaImporter.ImportItem(String transactionName, Type itemType, Guid itemId, WrapperObject item, String provider, ISiteSyncImportTransaction importTransaction, Action`3 postProcessingAction)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.SiteSync.MediaImporter.ImportItemInternal(String transactionName, Type itemType, Guid itemId, WrapperObject item, String provider, ISiteSyncImportTransaction importTransaction, Action`3 postProcessingAction)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.SiteSync.SiteSyncImporter.ImportItem(String transactionName, Type itemType, Guid itemId, WrapperObject item, String provider, ISiteSyncImportTransaction importTransaction)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.SiteSync.SiteSyncImporter.<>c__DisplayClassd.<ImportInternal>b__5(FluentSitefinity app)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.SiteSync.SiteSyncImporter.RunInSpecificCulture(String culture, String transaction, Action`1 func, Action`2 logAction)
at Telerik.Sitefinity.SiteSync.SiteSyncImporter.ImportInternal(ISiteSyncImportTransaction transaction)
On the target server the url doesn't exists. This happens with every new file tried to be uploaded. Any clue why this could be happening?
Did you ever find a solution to this issue? We are having a similar issue with our PDFs.
No, that happens in version 9.2.621 when using multilingual sites, english images sync fine but the other language images fail.
I tested with an empty source and an empty target project and it happens too, so it doesn't depend on anything else than the sitefinity solution.