License file validity over version ?
When we update Sitefinity from 8.2.5900 to 8.2.5921 (for exemple), do we have to change the license file?
For how many version a license file is valid ? A license file for 8.2.5900 is valid for any 8.2.59xx version ? or any 8.2.xxxx or only 8.2.592x ?
Thank you for your help.
Hi Stéphane,
Your licence file is valid for Sitefinity version 8.2.xxxx. Latest available build for sitefinity 8.2 is 8.2.5921.0
So, no need to change license file for upgrade 8.2.5900 ou 8.2.5921 ?
Thank your for your answer.
Right, you can use the same licence file