Foreign Key support in Kendo UI Builder 3.0

Posted by Carlos Calpe on 08-Jun-2018 06:08


I'm testing Kendo UI Builder 3.0 and when using foreign key support with a "Data Grid Separate Form". The value of the combobox is not shown when in read mode. only is shown in edit mode. 

Anybody experiencing the same?

Posted by egarcia on 13-Jun-2018 05:50


I took a look at this issue and I was able to reproduce it.

The issue happens because a reference to vm.$viewModels in the template.html is incorrect.

The code for the foreign key should look like the following:

<div class="col-md-7"> {{vm.$viewModels.fkeyModels['ttSalesrepFK1DSModel'].RepName | formatValue: '' }}</div>

Please notice that if you update the template.html for the view, the generation process will override it.

Could you report this issue via Technical Support?

I hope this helps.

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Posted by egarcia on 13-Jun-2018 05:50


I took a look at this issue and I was able to reproduce it.

The issue happens because a reference to vm.$viewModels in the template.html is incorrect.

The code for the foreign key should look like the following:

<div class="col-md-7"> {{vm.$viewModels.fkeyModels['ttSalesrepFK1DSModel'].RepName | formatValue: '' }}</div>

Please notice that if you update the template.html for the view, the generation process will override it.

Could you report this issue via Technical Support?

I hope this helps.

Posted by Carlos Calpe on 14-Jun-2018 11:06


As you suggested, the template that Kendo is generating is different:

<div class="col-md-7" ng-bind-html="vm.$iewModels.fkeyModels['fkcategoriaDSModel'].categoriaNOM | formatValue: ''"></div>

Not only the the wrap {{ }} instead of ng-bind-html="", also vm.$viewModels is mispelled.

I will report via Technical Support.

Thank you very much,


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