I have a dropdown list setup in the topSection.html and constructor of my blank page. The dropdown is working fine, but now I want to be able to call select() on it to set the currently selected record via code.
<form id="popupOpenScenario" kendo-window="popupOpenScenario" k-visible="false" k-modal="true"> <div class="k-popup-edit-form k-window-content k-content ng-scope" data-role="window" tabindex="0" style="width: -20px; height:100%"> <div class="k-edit-form-container" style="width:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden"> <div id="ddScenario"> <drop-down-list data-id="ddScenario" data-widget="vm.$components.ddScenario.widget" data-title="" data-model="vm.$viewModels.dsScenarioModel" data-options="vm.$components.ddScenario.options" data-events="vm.$components.ddScenario.events" data-validation="vm.$components.ddScenario.validation"> </drop-down-list> </div> <div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default" style="height: 42px"> <a role="button" class="k-button k-button-icontext k-primary" ng-click='this.okOpenScenario()'><span class="k-icon k-i-check"></span>OK</a> </div> </div> </div> </form>
Constructor code:
this.$components['ddScenario'] = { widget: null, options: { dataSource: this.$ds['dsScenario'], dataTextField: "name", dataValueField: "sid", optionLabel: "", valuePrimitive: false, selectedIndex: 0 }, events: { onChange: (e) => { }, onSelect: (e) => { } }, validation: { required: false } };
I've tried to use angular.element("#ddScenario").data("kendoDropDownList") and that doesn't work. I also tried this with the drop-down-list element and a few other variations and nothing will return a valid object. I also tried using this.$components.ddScenario.widget.select(0) which didn't work either. How do get this object?
In case anybody else uses something like this, I figured out how to get at the DropDownList object.
The directive for the drop-down-list generates a <select...> with the same id.
In case anybody else uses this type of solution, I figured out how to get the DropDownList object. The directive for the drop-down-list tag creates a <select...> with the same id as the drop-down-list element. For this reason you have to use the following:
In case anybody else uses something like this, I figured out how to get at the DropDownList object.
The directive for the drop-down-list generates a <select...> with the same id.
In case anybody else uses this type of solution, I figured out how to get the DropDownList object. The directive for the drop-down-list tag creates a <select...> with the same id as the drop-down-list element. For this reason you have to use the following:
<rant>...</rant><docShaming>...</docShaming>Contact me offline, I can be reached at ABLsaurusRex@gmail.com