Managing Data Without a Grid

Posted by jts-law on 22-Mar-2018 14:12


I have a blank view with a data source on it.  I created a popup/modal window with a dropdown list attached to the data source.  I also have a text box field and set it (via KUIB) to the model for the data source, and a field within the model.  I was thinking that when I select a record using the dropdown list, the text box field would automatically populate, but it doesn't.

What do I need to do to select a record in the data source and have the model get set?


Posted by jts-law on 22-Mar-2018 15:49

Never mind.  I changed the way the dropdown list is created and it's working now.


All Replies

Posted by jts-law on 22-Mar-2018 15:49

Never mind.  I changed the way the dropdown list is created and it's working now.


Posted by GregHiggins on 26-Mar-2018 12:04

I have 4DDLs and when I make the last selection, my fields fill in, I didn't think they would, but they do. (I created a fillForm function, but all it does right now is log my primary key to the console.)

I'm thinking maybe having the popup complicates things.

I'm interested in what you had to do to create a modal popup window.

Posted by jts-law on 27-Mar-2018 17:22


I'm pretty sure the way I'm doing this may not be the recommended way, but it works.  Hopefully this is everything (I'm skipping a bunch of custom logic not related to the popup).

I put the following in my topSection.html:

<form id="popupOpenScenario" kendo-window="popupOpenScenario" k-visible="false" k-modal="true">
    <div class="k-popup-edit-form k-window-content k-content ng-scope" data-role="window" tabindex="0" style="width: -20px; height:100%">
        <div class="k-edit-form-container" style="width:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden">
            <div id="ddScenario">
                <drop-down-list data-id="ddScenario" data-widget="vm.$components.ddScenario.widget" data-title="" data-model="vm.$viewModels.dsScenarioModel" data-options="vm.$components.ddScenario.options" data-events="vm.$" data-validation="vm.$components.ddScenario.validation">
            <div class="k-edit-buttons k-state-default" style="height: 42px">
                <a role="button" class="k-button k-button-icontext k-primary" ng-click='this.okOpenScenario()'><span class="k-icon k-i-check"></span>OK</a>

The following is in my constructor (controller.public.js):

    this.$components['ddScenario'] = {
        widget: null,
        options: {
            dataSource: this.$ds['dsScenario'],
            dataTextField: "name",
            dataValueField: "sid",
            optionLabel: "",
            valuePrimitive: false
        events: { onChange: (e) => { }, onSelect: (e) => { } },
        validation: { required: false }

    # Can't figure another way to hook things to my custom html objects
    let topScope = scope;
    do {
        if (topScope.$parent !== null) {
            topScope = topScope.$parent;
    } while(topScope.$parent !== null);

    topScope.okOpenScenario = () => {

Additional methods:

    // Call this method from a button/link to open popup dialog
    openPopupOpenScenario() {
        let winOpenScenario = angular.element("#popupOpenScenario").data("kendoWindow");
        this.winOpenScenarioOptions = {
               width: 600,
               visible: false,
               resizable: false,
               title: "Open Scenario",
               modal: true,
               actions: ["Close"]
    }  // openPopupOpenScenario
    setCurrentScenario(e) {
        // Close/hide popup window
        let popupOpenScenario = angular.element("#popupOpenScenario").data("kendoWindow");
        // Remaining logic to run when Ok button clicked

If anyone knows of a better way to expose/link methods/data to custom html other than traversing up to the top level scope, please let me know as I really hate doing this but haven't figured out a better way yet.


Posted by GregHiggins on 29-Mar-2018 11:15

rootScope is probably what you're looking for.$rootScope

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