In converting our Character screens to Kendo UI, we have a lot of menus and submenus and are trying to figure out the best way to setup a menu system.
The only way I see to break up menus is by using multiple Apps -- multiple Module icons - and finally multiple views that display on the left column.
I also see a tab widget that would allow us to have multiple views with a single view.
Are there any other options for menus and submenus?
Is it possible to have a Module icon open a sub-Module (with more icons to select from)?
Is there a way to use a pull down menu like you would see in a desktop app (i.e. File - New, Open, Save, Close, etc...) - that would be ideal.
Any other ideas for menu flow?
Using kendo component in your case depends on your UX and business requirements.
If you want to replace the side navigation you can try overriding the entire side-navigation view. Ang to use any kendo component which presents hierarchical data:
For example:
... import sideNavigationTemplate from './../common/side-navigation-extended/index.html'; import sideNavigationController from './../common/side-navigation-extended/index.js'; // Import your custom modules here: export default angular.module('app.extensions.module', [ ]) .run(['$state', '$rootScope', function($state, $rootScope) { var state = $state.get('module.default'); if (state && state.views && state.views['side-navigation']) { state.views['side-navigation'].templateUrl = sideNavigationTemplate; state.views['side-navigation'].controller = sideNavigationController; } }]).name;
Please note that I got sideNavigationTemplate and sideNavigationController from common/side-navigation-extended folder but you can put the view in a different place.
I hope this helps.