Hello All,
I have a view with a grid that uses submits for updates. I just noticed that if I click delete on the row followed by OK on the confirmation, then repeat immediately (because I want to delete a bunch of rows), I get the following error:
Record not found in memory.
When I refresh the grid I find that the record is actually deleted just fine. If I pause between deleting rows it works fine. What do I need to do so that this error is not displayed? Expecting the user to wait a second or 2 between deletes is not an option. If there's an event to wait for I could disable the screen until whatever needs to be refreshed behind the scenes is done, basically forcing the user to pause, I just don't know what to wait for.
Is anybody else experiencing this? Does anybody have any thoughts on a workaround or how to resolve this issue?
Hello Louis,
The message that you are seeing might be happening because the 2nd delete operation is trying to delete the same record from the 1st delete operation and the record is no longer in memory.
Are you using Incell as the Edit Mode?
In this way, you would have a single Save Changes button at the top to do the commit once all records are deleted.
Another alternative would be to have a way to select all the records to be deleted then do a single delete.
You log an issue with Technical Support with a reproducible case so this can be investigated.
I hope this helps,
The view I noticed this issue on uses a popup editor and I can't change this because a couple of the fields could have a lot of data, and one of these fields is formatted text with embedded carriage returns.
Something I noticed is that when I delete record 1, only that record is sent to the submit, when I delete record 2 right away, record 1 and record 2 are sent to the submit. I'm not sure why when I click delete on the row for record 2 that multiple records would be sent to the server.
I'll work on a test app to see if I can duplicate the issue.
I put together a sample app using a Progress public REST service (oemobiledemo.progress.com/OEMobileDemoServices). I've opened a case and attached my test app.
Hello Louis,
Thank you opening a case with the test app.
We should be able to reproduce the issue and debug it.
Thanks again,