I'm using KUIB 2 and am trying to create a popup/modal window to show the user some information about their session. I found the following Stack Overflow thread but I can't get it to work from within my controller.
Basically, on my landing-page I put a link in my topSection.html that calls openUserProfilePopup(). The issue is that when openUserProfilePopup() runs, it errors on the call to setOptions because userProfilePopup (the kendo-window) isn't found. I can't find this object anywhere via the debugger either. I must be missing something, I just don't know what.
<div kendo-window="userProfilePopup" k-visible="false" k-modal="true"> </div>
openUserProfilePopup() {
this.userProfilePopupOptions = {
width: 550,
height: 400,
visible: false,
actions: ["Close"]
Hello Louis,
I got your sample code to work after doing some changes.
BTW, where were you calling openUserProfilePopup() from?
The includeContentLoaded handler is not being called from the landing-page code. (It is not generated in controller.js.)
I will log a bug report for this issue.
The approach that I ended up using was to add code to detect when the userProfilePopup is initialized and then open the popup.
Here is the code:
openUserProfilePopup(kendoWindow) { var userProfilePopupOptions = { width: 550, height: 400, visible: false, actions: ["Close"] }; kendoWindow.setOptions(userProfilePopupOptions); kendoWindow.center(); kendoWindow.open(); } onShow($scope) { console.log('Show'); var that = this; var cancelWatch = $scope.$watch(() => { return angular.element("#userProfilePopup").data("kendoWindow"); },(kendoWindow, oldValue)=>{ if (kendoWindow) { that.openUserProfilePopup(kendoWindow); cancelWatch(); } }); }
I hope this helps,
Hello Louis,
I got your sample code to work after doing some changes.
BTW, where were you calling openUserProfilePopup() from?
The includeContentLoaded handler is not being called from the landing-page code. (It is not generated in controller.js.)
I will log a bug report for this issue.
The approach that I ended up using was to add code to detect when the userProfilePopup is initialized and then open the popup.
Here is the code:
openUserProfilePopup(kendoWindow) { var userProfilePopupOptions = { width: 550, height: 400, visible: false, actions: ["Close"] }; kendoWindow.setOptions(userProfilePopupOptions); kendoWindow.center(); kendoWindow.open(); } onShow($scope) { console.log('Show'); var that = this; var cancelWatch = $scope.$watch(() => { return angular.element("#userProfilePopup").data("kendoWindow"); },(kendoWindow, oldValue)=>{ if (kendoWindow) { that.openUserProfilePopup(kendoWindow); cancelWatch(); } }); }
I hope this helps,
I was able to get this working using parts of your example, thanks for the help.
Regarding how this is being called, it's not the most straight forward but I think it functions good for the user experience. Since I'm not using the KUIB login, I replicated/replaced the user dropdown and created a "User Information" link using the following logic in onShow method.
let login = angular.element("div.login.k-header");
let html = '<div class="user-profile k-header ng-scope" ng-click="this.toggleUserProfileMenu()">' +
' <i class="k-icon k-i-user"></i>' +
' <i class="k-icon k-i-arrow-chevron-down "></i>' +
' <div class="user-profile-tooltip ng-hide" ng-show="showUserProfileMenu" ng-click="this.showUserProfilePopup()" style="">' +
' <div class="show-user-profile k-header"><i class="k-icon"></i>User Information</div>' +
' </div>' +
let chtml = this.jtslibService.compile(html)($scope);
The following is setup in the topSection.html. This is very basic right now and I haven't actually implemented the variables to show the users information so those may change:
<div id="userProfilePopup" kendo-window="userProfilePopup" k-visible="false" k-modal="true">
The following are setup in the controller constructor (this.appScope is the application level scope, I'm finding/setting this at the beginning of the constructor. I couldn't figure out another way for the menu to find my logic other than putting these 2 functions on the app level scope):
this.appScope.toggleUserProfileMenu = () => {
this.appScope.showUserProfileMenu = !this.appScope.showUserProfileMenu;
this.appScope.showUserProfilePopup = () => {
console.log('Display showUserProfilePopup()');
Finally, this method gets called from showUserProfileMenu():
openUserProfilePopup() {
let userProfilePopup = angular.element("#userProfilePopup").data("kendoWindow");
this.userProfilePopupOptions = {
width: 550,
height: 400,
visible: false,
actions: ["Close"]