Hello all,
i got a Problem setting a nested ProDataSet as DataProvider in Kendo UI Builder.
The Builder always gives an Error "Error Occurred undefined" when i try to Access an existing DataProvider or create a new one. I wont get the Error once the "nested" is removed from the DataSet definition.
def temp-table tt_test1
field j_index1 as int
field test_text1 as char .
def temp-table tt_test2
field j_index2 as int
field test_text2 as char .
DEFINE DATASET dstest FOR tt_test1, tt_test2
data-relation for tt_test1, tt_test2
relation-field (j_index1, j_index2)
nested .
/* WORKS */
DEFINE DATASET dstest FOR tt_test1, tt_test2
data-relation for tt_test1, tt_test2
relation-field (j_index1, j_index2) .
It appears that Kendo UI Builder cannot read the Catalog definition when i define the dataset as nested.
Can someone help me out with this?
Is it possible for you to comment out the NESTED, and we can look into issue for the upcoming release?
This is not urgent, just something i stumbled over while playing with my new toys. Just wantet to know if this is a bug or if nested datasets are not supported or if i am doing it wrong.