nested proDataSet

Posted by Marco Scheblein on 02-Jun-2017 11:56

Hello all,

i got a Problem setting a nested ProDataSet as DataProvider in Kendo UI Builder.

The Builder always gives an Error "Error Occurred undefined" when i try to Access an existing DataProvider or create a new one. I wont get the Error once the "nested" is removed from the DataSet definition.


def temp-table tt_test1
    field j_index1 as int
    field test_text1 as char .

def temp-table tt_test2
    field j_index2 as int
    field test_text2 as char .


DEFINE DATASET dstest FOR tt_test1, tt_test2
    data-relation for tt_test1, tt_test2
        relation-field (j_index1, j_index2)
        nested .

/* WORKS */

DEFINE DATASET dstest FOR tt_test1, tt_test2
    data-relation for tt_test1, tt_test2
        relation-field (j_index1, j_index2) .

It appears that Kendo UI Builder cannot read the Catalog definition when i define the dataset as nested.

Can someone help me out with this?

All Replies

Posted by maura on 02-Jun-2017 13:37

Is it possible for you to comment out the NESTED, and we can look into issue for the upcoming release?


Posted by Marco Scheblein on 08-Jun-2017 04:01

This is not urgent, just something i stumbled over while playing with my new toys. Just wantet to know if this is a bug or if nested datasets are not supported or if i am doing it wrong.

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