hello all, i would like to have nested grid in my kuib application, i have used as an example oemobiledemo.progress.com/.../ this sample and http://dojo.telerik.com/ this code. so my code looks like this at the moment,
this.scope.model.options.height = 700;
this.scope.model.options.detailInit = function(e){
var dataSourceOptions = $scope._$ds.Clients.options,
dataSourceOptions.filter = {
field: 'ClientNum',
operators: 'eq',
value: e.data.ClientNum
detailsGripOptions = {
dataSource: dataSourceOptions,
{field: "Address", width: "70px"},
{field: "ContactAddress", width: "110px"},
{field: "Region", width: "70px"},
{field: "ContactPerson", width: "70px"}
where Clients is my dataSource, when i build the app it works fine, but after clicking the expand button it returns me to main page,
any ideas what i'm doing wrong? or do i need any html? i have checked github.com/.../kendo-ui-builder-samples this samples as well, none of the script code provide html support.
using grid view template. kuib 1.1
thanks in advance.
Here is a sample program showing your scenario:
This sample uses a regular view created using the Blank option with code in the view-factory.js file.
Here is the code:
The the dataSource for the detail grid sets type, transport.jsdo and filter. You can also add the error property.
this.scope.grid0.options.height = 700; // Set the grid's detailInit event handler to create the detail/child grid // when expanding the row this.scope.grid0.options.detailInit = function (e) { var detailsGridOptions; detailsGridOptions = { dataSource: { type: "jsdo", transport: { jsdo: "Customer" }, filter: { field: 'CustNum', operator: 'eq', value: e.data.CustNum } }, columns: [ //{ field: "CustNum", title: "Cust Num", type: "int", width: "100px" }, { field: "CustNum", width: "70px" }, { field: "Address", width: "110px" }, { field: "City", width: "70px" }, { field: "State", width: "70px" } ], height: 100 }; angular.element('<div/>').appendTo(e.detailCell).kendoGrid(detailsGridOptions); };
You can view the entire view-factory.js on the machine:
Please try it and let me know how it goes.
I wonder if you are using the same data source for both both grids.
Are you using the Clients data source for Firm and for the detail data as well?
Please notice that the hierarchical-grid example in GitHub uses two data sources, one for Customer and another for Order.
You do not need any particular HTML for the hierarchical-grid example.
Are there any error messages shown to the JavaScript Console?
I hope this helps.
Hi egarcia, no Error msg, and yes i'm using one data source. named Clients. i want to rich some how and nest the grid, so the user can click the button and display whole info from database, my table is to long and it is really uncomfortable to put everything in the line, thats why i thought to nest them, for example, Client number, name, manager, manager contact phone, and then nest , region, email, personald details, password etc. something like this demos.telerik.com/.../angular, for order i will have general details and for contact informaiton phone, city, address, employee in charge phone number etc.
Hello Giorgi,
The problem then seems to be that you are using a single data source.
When you click on the detail button, the code creates a second grid and performs a read on the data source which then results on a refreshing of main grid.
You can also create a datasource instance
Please give this a try and let me know how it goes.
You can add a 2nd data source instance for the custom view and uses the same data provider / data source as your first data source.
You would use the same code code but use a different name.
Alternatively, you could create the data source via code by specifying the type: "jsdo" and the transport properties.
dataSource: {
type: "jsdo",
transport: {
jsdo: "Customer"
error: function(e) {
i will give it a try tomorrow and give you a feedback how it ends. . by the way if you do dataSource: {
type: "jsdo",
transport: {
jsdo: "Clients"
error: function(e) {
will it work? without any jsdo conneciton definitions? directly in view-factory.js. under onShow function. if its appropriate way in kuib builder then its awesome, because when i was trying to connect my DB server from VS i have to had make a class with jsdo definitions, sources and URI's to transport them. it was anoying
Yes, it should work.
Once you have a JSDOSession set up, you can create JSDO instances for resources listed in the catalog.
In your app, the JSDOSession is created when you select the module. Kendo UI Builder generates the required code because you are using a Clients data source already. Otherwise, you would need to create the JSDOSession yourself.
You can see a sample code creating the DataSource instance directly in the following example:
Notice that this example creates the JSDOSession directly via code.
(You might already see this an other Kendo UI DataSource / JSDO at oemobiledemo.progress.com/ )
i tried, ended up with same result. retrns me to main page
Here is a sample program showing your scenario:
This sample uses a regular view created using the Blank option with code in the view-factory.js file.
Here is the code:
The the dataSource for the detail grid sets type, transport.jsdo and filter. You can also add the error property.
this.scope.grid0.options.height = 700; // Set the grid's detailInit event handler to create the detail/child grid // when expanding the row this.scope.grid0.options.detailInit = function (e) { var detailsGridOptions; detailsGridOptions = { dataSource: { type: "jsdo", transport: { jsdo: "Customer" }, filter: { field: 'CustNum', operator: 'eq', value: e.data.CustNum } }, columns: [ //{ field: "CustNum", title: "Cust Num", type: "int", width: "100px" }, { field: "CustNum", width: "70px" }, { field: "Address", width: "110px" }, { field: "City", width: "70px" }, { field: "State", width: "70px" } ], height: 100 }; angular.element('<div/>').appendTo(e.detailCell).kendoGrid(detailsGridOptions); };
You can view the entire view-factory.js on the machine:
Please try it and let me know how it goes.
thanks a lot egarcia. it is working now
Hello Giorgi,
You might be interested on the following thread which another approach how to show additional data for a given row using a detailTemplate:
I hope this helps.